“If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If you’re a pretender com sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin
Come in!
Come in!”
~ Shel Silverstein
Well, look who’s lasted a whole 22 days with this 365 project thing! THIS GIRL! woot. You may remember from this post, that I decided to jump headfirst into a 365 Projects on January 1st. That was the day that I committed to taking and posting at least one photo per day for an entire year. So far, so good. But 22 days does not a year make.
So, place your bets, come back often to check and see how I’m doing.
I am following along with the beth-a-dilly challenge and posting my images each day to Instagram. The daily prompts Beth offers have added to the challenge and it’s been really interesting to search the project hashtag #thebethadillychallenge to see how so many others, hundreds of others in fact, interpret the same word. I’m secretly wondering if those “hundreds” will eventually peter out leaving only a few soldiers standing? Only time will tell!
Are we Instagram buddies? We should be! C'mon over and visit me there and see how long I last with my 365 Project! You can find me HERE!
Let me know if YOU are doing a Project 365 or Project 52 this year. I'd love to follow your journey!
And here we go! Project 365 - 2015 - Days 11-22. Enjoy!
011|365 - My Favorite Thing
2 of my favorite things, actually. My Infinity bracelet from Captain Tony and my Grandparent's old steamer trunk.
012|365 - J - Just me
013|365 - Three
014|365 - Kindness
015|365 - To Do
016|365 - Shoes
017|365 - Leading Lines
018|365 - Relax
Just Chillin'
019|365 - In My Cup
020|365 - Light
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only LOVE can do that." - MLK Jr.
021|365 - Looking Down
022|365 - Weather
Thanks for reading, friends!
I would love to capture YOUR family's love and laughter.
Contact me here for more information or to book your session.
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