Join me in welcoming my dear friend and Laptop Lifestyle guru Tara Ross to the blog today! Tara and I met 10 years ago when she and her husband Stan were paired up with myself and Cap’n Tony at the dinner table on our honeymoon cruise. Who could have known that 10 years later, we’d move to Sarasota and get to play with them all the time!? I cannot thank her enough for her friendship and when she asked me to help her with headshots for her business, I was honored.
Tara is one spunky entrepreneur and I was thrilled to have her share with us the inspiration behind her brand “Laptop Lifestyle”. She is a best selling author and I’m excited to have her introduce to you her newest endeavor.
Read on to find out what that is and how you can jump on board for a free 7 day email course starting June 29th.
Tara was kind enough to indulge me in answering the Pivot questionnaire.
I love learning about people through these questions. Let’s get to know her a bit better!
1. What is your favorite word?
Paris or travel or "Let's travel to Paris!"
2. What is your least favorite word?
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally?
Do I just get one? Jazz music, travel, taking photographs at sunrise or sunset, connecting with what I really want to do and then figuring out a way to make it happen
4. What turns you off?
Adults who behave poorly. Just be nice.
5. What noise or sound do you love?
The sound of Stan, Gerad, or Caleb laughing. I also love the sound of the ocean tide lapping on the shore early in the morning.
6. What noise or sound do you hate?
People yelling in anger (which is why, blissfully, we no longer watch TV news...ever.)
7. What is your favorite curse word?
I never curse. Okay, so Stan would tell you that's a lie. I'd like to say that I never cuss, but in truth, yeah, I do. Probably the f word. Is my sister going to read this????
8. What profession other than yours would you like to do?
I would love to be Rick Steves, travel all over Europe checking out the best spots for authentic travel tours, writing books, and making a TV show about it.
9. What profession would you not like to do?
Anything involving a cubicle. Been there, done that, never again.
10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
Well, I always used to joke that I'd want answers: who really killed JFK? who was Deepthroat? We know the answer to the second one now and it was kind of underwhelming, so I guess I'd like to hear God say "Good job. Thanks for focusing on stuff that mattered.”
Here’s what Tara has to say about the Laptop Lifestyle…
Laptop Lifestyle is for people who find 'casual Fridays' too much work and get hives when they hear the word 'corporate'. I know. Been there, done that. Got way too many golf shirts (with the appropriate logos emblazoned on them). My goal is to help people take their passion, mix it with their skills, and figure out what people need to create online courses and digital products that they can sell on their websites to people who will be glad to buy them.
Join my 7-day email challenge on creating your laptop lifestyle by taking your big picture idea, figuring out what to offer that will sell, overcoming tech issues, and getting the digital product built! only 7 days.
Go to to join in.
Starts June 29th.
And finally, the beautiful lady, Tara Ross, behind the brilliant Laptop Lifestyle...
Thanks Tara for joining me today!
You can visit Tara on Amazon at:
Follow her many travels at:
And learn how to break free from your cubicle jail at:
be joyful ~
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