Michaela Ristaino Photography: Blog https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog en-us (C) Michaela Ristaino Photography [email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:47:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:47:00 GMT https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/img/s/v-12/u381264212-o794736964-50.jpg Michaela Ristaino Photography: Blog https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog 120 45 I've Moved! https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/7/ive-moved I've moved....C'mon over and see me in my new home!



[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/7/ive-moved Sat, 04 Jul 2015 02:45:20 GMT
Laptop Lifestyle | Tara Ross | Sarasota Headshot Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/6/laptop-lifestyle-tara-ross-sarasota-headshot-photography Join me in welcoming my dear friend and Laptop Lifestyle guru Tara Ross to the blog today! Tara and I met 10 years ago when she and her husband Stan were paired up with myself and Cap’n Tony at the dinner table on our honeymoon cruise. Who could have known that 10 years later, we’d move to Sarasota and get to play with them all the time!? I cannot thank her enough for her friendship and when she asked me to help her with headshots for her business, I was honored. 

Tara is one spunky entrepreneur and I was thrilled to have her share with us the inspiration behind her brand “Laptop Lifestyle”. She is a best selling author and I’m excited to have her introduce to you her newest endeavor. 

Read on to find out what that is and how you can jump on board for a free 7 day email course starting June 29th.  


Tara was kind enough to indulge me in answering the Pivot questionnaire. 

I love learning about people through these questions. Let’s get to know her a bit better! 


1. What is your favorite word?

    Paris or travel or "Let's travel to Paris!"

2. What is your least favorite word?


3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally?

    Do I just get one? Jazz music, travel, taking photographs at sunrise or sunset, connecting with what I really want to do and then figuring out a way to make it happen

4. What turns you off?

    Adults who behave poorly. Just be nice.

5. What noise or sound do you love?

    The sound of Stan, Gerad, or Caleb laughing. I also love the sound of the ocean tide lapping on the shore early in the morning.

6. What noise or sound do you hate?

    People yelling in anger (which is why, blissfully, we no longer watch TV news...ever.)

7. What is your favorite curse word?

     I never curse. Okay, so Stan would tell you that's a lie. I'd like to say that I never cuss, but in truth, yeah, I do. Probably the f word. Is my         sister going to read this????

8. What profession other than yours would you like to do?

    I would love to be Rick Steves, travel all over Europe checking out the best spots for authentic travel tours, writing books, and making a TV    show about it.  

9. What profession would you not like to do?

    Anything involving a cubicle. Been there, done that, never again.

10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

    Well, I always used to joke that I'd want answers: who really killed JFK? who was Deepthroat? We know the answer to the second one             now and it was kind of underwhelming, so I guess I'd like to hear God say "Good job. Thanks for focusing on stuff that mattered.”


Here’s what Tara has to say about the Laptop Lifestyle…

Laptop Lifestyle is for people who find 'casual Fridays' too much work and get hives when they hear the word 'corporate'. I know. Been there, done that. Got way too many golf shirts (with the appropriate logos emblazoned on them). My goal is to help people take their passion, mix it with their skills, and figure out what people need to create online courses and digital products that they can sell on their websites to people who will be glad to buy them. 

Join my 7-day email challenge on creating your laptop lifestyle by taking your big picture idea, figuring out what to offer that will sell, overcoming tech issues, and getting the digital product built! Yep...in only 7 days. 

Go to https://laptoplifestyleacademy.net/7daycourse to join in. 

Starts June 29th.

And finally, the beautiful lady, Tara Ross, behind the brilliant Laptop Lifestyle...

Authentic Sarasota headshots of a woman in caribbean blue at Island Park in Sarasota FLTara-Sarasota-Portrait-Photography-4Joyful Sarasota headshot session with author Tara Ross. Photos taken by Ristaino Photography at Island Park and downtown Sarasota. Authentic Sarasota headshots of a woman in caribbean blue at Island Park in Sarasota FLTara-Sarasota-Portrait-Photography-5Joyful Sarasota headshot session with author Tara Ross. Photos taken by Ristaino Photography at Island Park and downtown Sarasota.

Authentic Sarasota headshots of a woman in caribbean blue at Island Park in Sarasota FLTara-Sarasota-Portrait-Photography-12Joyful Sarasota headshot session with author Tara Ross. Photos taken by Ristaino Photography at Island Park and downtown Sarasota. Authentic Sarasota headshots of a woman in caribbean blue at Island Park in Sarasota FLTara-Sarasota-Portrait-Photography-6Joyful Sarasota headshot session with author Tara Ross. Photos taken by Ristaino Photography at Island Park and downtown Sarasota. Authentic Sarasota headshots of a woman in caribbean blue at Island Park in Sarasota FLTara-Sarasota-Portrait-Photography-16Joyful Sarasota headshot session with author Tara Ross. Photos taken by Ristaino Photography at Island Park and downtown Sarasota.

Thanks Tara for joining me today! 

You can visit Tara on Amazon at: http://www.amazon.com/Tara-Ross/e/B00GZALPEE

Follow her many travels at: http://edjourneys.com/

And learn how to break free from your cubicle jail at: https://laptoplifestyleacademy.net/

be joyful ~ 



Ready to book your Photo Session? 

Contact me here for more information or to secure a date.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters!


[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Authentic Sarasota Portrait Photography Joyful Sarasota Portrait Photography Laptop Lifestyle Ristaino Photography Tara Ross Whimsical Sarasota Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/6/laptop-lifestyle-tara-ross-sarasota-headshot-photography Wed, 24 Jun 2015 02:58:04 GMT
Do you believe in FATE? {How I stopped resisting and said YES!} https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/6/do-you-believe-in-fate-how-i-stopped-resisting-and-said-yes

Have you ever felt inspired to do something, but then, for whatever reason, you tell yourself I can’t. I shouldn’t. Never mind? Or you let yourself believe that this*something* isn’t important enough to fight for, and you give up at the first sign of struggle? I did. Or I tried to. But no matter how hard I tried to say I can’t, I shouldn’t, never mind, another voice said YOU CAN. YOU SHOULD. LET'S DO THIS.  

There is a photography movement called BEAUTY REVIVED. Beauty Revived strives to bring to light the real beauty in each of us. For the last several years they have been featuring stories on their website and magazine of beautiful women and teens who embody what it means to be truly, deeply, honestly beautiful. It’s not about what size jeans you wear, or how many Facebook friends you have, or where you went on your last vacation. It’s about the smile on your face and the kindness in your heart. It’s about being smart and empathetic and loving. It’s about being truly beautiful, from the inside out. 

I applied last week to be a part of their current campaign: BEAUTY REVIVED 50 Most Beautiful Children. Here is what their website says about the campaign,“Please join with us and apply to be one of our 50 Most Beautiful Children Photographers.  The 50 photographers chosen will be featured on BeautyRevived.com as well as in our Beauty Revived magazine published in August. The top 5 stories and pictures will also be featured on a special Beauty Revived week over at Lemonade and Lenses. We are looking for the stories of children who are serving others, who are overcoming trials and who are facing their lives with courage.”

I applied not expecting to get chosen, but even more so, I had NO idea what extraordinary child I would photograph if I WAS chosen. Then, suddenly, it hit me like a ton of bricks. 


Sweet, freckled, red-headed, 9 year old Lola. 

Lola lost her mom unexpectedly 2 years ago. 

Lola is creative. Lola is kind. Lola cares about others. In the face of her own tragedy, she has chosen love. 

NOW, I was excited. Excited to give this bright light of a little girl a very special experience. And I hoped and prayed that if I was meant to do this that I would be among the 50 photographers chosen. 

I woke up this past Monday, eagerly anticipating the announcement of the 50 photographers chosen to be a part of the campaign. I saw it pop up in my Facebook feed and immediately scanned for my name. It wasn’t there. Instantly, I felt defeated and deflated. 

I can’t. I shouldn’t. Never mind. 

But all day, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. But I wasn’t chosen. I couldn’t stop thinking about Lola. I would have to buy a plane ticket and travel. I wondered, how could I possibly pull this off?

I can’t. I shouldn’t. Never mind. 

Then, funny things started to happen. My *NO* was met with militant can-do forces who struck it down with YES after YES after YES. I mentioned the campaign to my friend Andrea who is a hair stylist: YES! I was on a conference call for work when I was asked to come to Milwaukee for a meeting (the very same week I would have to be there for this session): YES! I asked on FB if anyone knew of any children’s clothing boutiques that may be willing to donate a dress, and my talented seamstress friend Erin responded: YES! 

But would Lola say yes? I emailed her grandmother, my dear friend Donna….she talked with Lola and the answer was a resounding, collective: YES! 

I didn’t care anymore whether or not I was part of the official Beauty Revived campaign. 

The movement isn’t about me, it’s about lifting up someone else. It’s about giving Lola a day she’ll never forget. It’s about a community coming together to tell a little girl, You can. You should. You matter. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. 

On July 11th, Lola and I will have a very special day together. 

Lola will be pampered at by Andrea and friends at Neroli Salon. She will be wearing a custom dress by Erin of Marion Hill Custom Sewing and custom jewelry by Stephanie of Stevieanne Designs. She will be photographed by yours truly and I will be thrilled to have my talented photographer friend Jessie of Simple Soul Photographs on hand to assist me and to capture behind the scenes photos of the day. I am so excited I might burst. 

Oh, and guess what?  I got an email from Beauty Revived on Tuesday evening and they’ve asked me stand by as an alternate. For real. Can you even believe it? 

The moral of the story?
Sometimes you have to stop saying No. I can’t. I shouldn’t. Never mind.

Oh my word. I’m so excited. I can’t WAIT to share this with you! 

I’m sorry, what was that? How can YOU be involved? Hop on down below, and I’ll tell you! 

be joyful,




Do you want to be involved? 

I thought you might! Let's shower Lola with love from all over the country. You may send her a card to tell her YOU ARE BEAUTY REVIVED, and I will present them all to her on July 11th. How much fun will that be?

Send them to: 
Operation Lola
c/o Cathedral of St John the Evangelist
831 N. Van Buren Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Attn: Rachel 

Please try to have them postmarked no later than July 7th 
Thank you, friends! 
[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Authentic Sarasota Family Photography Authentic Sarasota Portrait Photography Beauty Revived Joyful Sarasota Portrait Photography Ristaino Photography Sarasota Family Photography Whimsical Sarasota Family Photography Whimsical Sarasota Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/6/do-you-believe-in-fate-how-i-stopped-resisting-and-said-yes Tue, 16 Jun 2015 00:55:31 GMT
Sunday Sunrise - Lido Key - Sarasota Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/6/sunday-sunrise---lido-key---sarasota-portrait-photography Because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's sent away.

                            ~ Sarah Kay


I don't think living near the ocean will ever get old. Waking up on a Sunday morning and getting to see this ...is a blessing I won't soon take for granted. Come with me next time, won't you? 


Landscape photography was my first love, so I took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning!

Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning! Lido Beach at Sunrise.Joyful Sarasota Portrait PhotographyI took a break from portraits today to visit Lido Beach on Longboat Key in Sarasota FL at sunrise. It was so peaceful and beautiful...the turquoise water, a light breeze, and all the little beach creatures coming out to say good morning. There were many different varieties of shore birds, including Black Skimmers, many of which were nesting with their babies. I also saw a crab scurrying along the beach. It was a great start to my Sunday morning!


She would be half a planet away, floating in a turquoise sea, dancing by moonlight to flamenco guitar. 
                                                                                  ~ Janet FitchWhite Oleander




be joyful,



Ready to book your Photo Session? 

Contact me here for more information or to secure a date.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters!

[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Authentic Sarasota Family Photography Authentic Sarasota Portrait Photography Joyful Sarasota Family Photography Joyful Sarasota Portrait Photography Ristaino Photography Sarasota Family Photography Whimsical Sarasota Family Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/6/sunday-sunrise---lido-key---sarasota-portrait-photography Sun, 14 Jun 2015 20:14:34 GMT
You Are Loved | Night With the Stars Prom | Joyful Sarasota Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/5/you-are-loved-night-with-the-stars-prom-joyful-sarasota-portrait-photography You are loved.

You are valuable.

You are crafted with beauty and purpose.

I treasure you and this world needs you.

There is no one like you.

You don’t need to look like the rest

or talk like the rest

or be like the rest

There is no truth in the lie that you don’t matter.

The world needs you as you are. 

You were put here for a reason.

You are loved.

You were not an accident. 

You are not a mistake.

                          ~curt mega


On Friday April 24, 2015, I walked into the Woodland Community Church ready to photograph an event.

I was excited to be there, but honestly, I didn’t really know what to expect. What happened next was magical. 


Night With the Stars Prom is a totally free prom for special needs residents 16 and older in Manatee and Sarasota counties.

Absolutely everything for this annual event is donated.

The food, the formal wear for the attendees, the music, the decorations, the photos. An army of volunteers takes on this labor of love.

I think all would agree that the payout comes in the form of the smiles and the hugs and the laughter. 





You can visit Night With the Stars Prom online at www.nightwiththestarsprom.com and pop on over to their Facebook page to show them some love. 


I walked in that evening unsure what to expect. 

I walked out full of love and hope and inspiration. 

Thank you, Night With the Stars, for the humble honor of 

capturing your joy.  


be joyful,



Ready to book your Photo Session? 

Contact me here for more information or to secure a date.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters!





posted by Michaela Ristaino

[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Authentic Sarasota Family Photography Authentic Sarasota Portrait Photography Beth-a-dilly Joyful Sarasota Family Photography Joyful Sarasota Portrait Photography Joyful sarasota family photography My365 Night with the Stars Prom Project 365 Sarasota Family Photographer Sarasota Family Photography Sarasota Photographer Sarasota Photography Sarasota Portrait Photographer Sarasota Senior Photographer Sarasota Senior Photography Special Needs Prom Whimsical Sarasota Family Photography Whimsical Sarasota Portrait Photography Woodland Community Church https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/5/you-are-loved-night-with-the-stars-prom-joyful-sarasota-portrait-photography Mon, 04 May 2015 12:38:39 GMT
April Come She Will | Project 365 : Days 90-120 | Authentic Sarasota Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/5/april-come-she-will-project-365-days-90-120-authentic-sarasota-portrait-photography Cuckoo, Cuckoo What do you do? "In April I open my bill; In May I sing night and day; In June I change my tune; 

In July Away I fly; In August Away I must.”

                                     ~nursery rhyme

Project 365, Day 120! And just like that, it’s May. Spring is pushing her way through the surface in most parts of the country. The trees in Wisconsin were just starting to bud when I was there a few weeks ago. In Florida, it feels like summer, with the heat and humidity already creeping up.  If you’ve been following me on Instagram or Facebook, you know that I’ve managed to create a real habit out of this challenge. I hope you’re enjoying it!  And just like that, we are 1/3rd of the way through my first 365 Project! 


Yesterday’s picture included words to one of my favorite songs. My friend Heidi posted that she thought it was a lovely poem. That lead me to wonder if the lyrics to that song were inspired by anything else? Lo and behold, I found the above nursery rhyme and I think it’s clear to see that Mr Simon’s lyrics were indeed inspired by it. The message is clear. Time moves quickly. And no matter what we do, it will keep moving. We turn around and 10, 20, 50 years have passed. 




April, comes she will,

When streams are ripe and swelled with rain.

May, she will stay,

Resting in my arms again.


June, she'll change her tune.

In restless walks she'll prowl the night.

July, she will fly,

And give no warning to her flight.


August, die she must.

The autumn winds blow chilly and cold.

September, I'll remember.

A love once new has now grown old.

                            ~ paul simon


And here we go! Project 365 - 2015 - Days 90-120.  Enjoy! 




Thank you so much for visiting. 


Pay attention to the passing of time. 

Make the best of every moment. 

Choose kindness. 

Choose compassion.

Choose love.




be joyful,



Ready to book your Photo Session? 

Contact me here for more information or to secure a date.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters!




posted by Michaela Ristaino

[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Authentic Sarasota Family Photography Authentic Sarasota Portrait Photography Beth-a-dilly Joyful Sarasota Family Photography Joyful Sarasota Portrait Photography Joyful sarasota family photography My365 Project 365 Sarasota Family Photographer Sarasota Family Photography Sarasota Photographer Sarasota Photography Sarasota Portrait Photographer Sarasota Senior Photographer Sarasota Senior Photography Whimsical Sarasota Family Photography Whimsical Sarasota Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/5/april-come-she-will-project-365-days-90-120-authentic-sarasota-portrait-photography Fri, 01 May 2015 16:36:27 GMT
A Hard Habit to Break | Project 365 : Days 39-89 | Joyful Sarasota Family Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/3/a-hard-habit-to-break-project-365-days-39-89-joyful-sarasota-family-photography “Your beliefs become your thoughts, 

Your thoughts become your words, 

Your words become your actions, 

Your actions become your habits, 

Your habits become your values, 

Your values become your destiny.” 

― Mahatma Gandhi



Project 365, Day 90! My last check in was on day 39, which either means I’ve been very busy or else I’m slacking with my blogging. Let’s go with VERY BUSY.  If you’ve been following me on Instagram or Facebook, you know that I’ve impressed even myself by posting a photo every.single.day for the last 89 days. I’m a quarter of the way through my 365 project!


They say, on average, it takes 66 days for a habit to take hold. So at day 90, does it feel like a habit? The short answer is “sort of.” Those same folks that say it takes 66 days to form a habit also say it can take up to 8 months for a complicated habit to take hold. Who are “they” anyway? The actual definition of a habit is: a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance; an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary. 


So, not quite involuntary, but this photo challenge has absolutely become a part of my daily routine.  It also so happens that today is Day 30 of my Whole30 challenge. That might be another blog post altogether, but it definitely fits in with establishing new and healthy habits. Let me know if you’d like to hear more about it.


Are we Instagram buddies?  We should be! C'mon over and visit me there and see how long I last with my 365 Project!  You can find me HERE! Thanks for taking this journey with me!



Let me know if YOU are doing a Project 365 or Project 52 this year. I'd love to follow your journey!


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

― Aristotle


And here we go! Project 365 - 2015 - Days 39-89.  Enjoy! 




Thank you so much visiting! Let me know in the comments which picture is your favorite! 


Til next time! 





Ready to book your Photo Session? 

Contact me here for more information or to secure a date.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters!





posted by Michaela Ristaino

[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Authentic Sarasota Family Photography Authentic Sarasota Portrait Photography Beth-a-dilly Joyful Sarasota Family Photography Joyful Sarasota Portrait Photography Joyful sarasota family photography My365 Project 365 Sarasota Family Photographer Sarasota Family Photography Sarasota Photographer Sarasota Photography Sarasota Portrait Photographer Sarasota Senior Photographer Sarasota Senior Photography Whimsical Sarasota Family Photography Whimsical Sarasota Portrait Photography Whole30 https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/3/a-hard-habit-to-break-project-365-days-39-89-joyful-sarasota-family-photography Tue, 31 Mar 2015 12:46:18 GMT
Author Visit | Stacy DeKeyser | Sarasota Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/2/author-visit-stacy-dekeyser-sarasota-portrait-photography I am SO very excited to welcome author Stacy DeKeyser to the blog today. Stacy’s newest book One Witch at a Time launches TODAY and I will be sitting by the door all day waiting for my copy to arrive. 

(Did you know that if you preorder a book before its release date, that Amazon will guarantee delivery on the day it comes out? How cool is that?) This mid-grade fantasy novel, published by Simon & Schuster’s McElderry imprint, is the sequel to Stacy’s 2012 novel The Brixen Witch.  (And I hear from inside sources that this one is even better!) 


Stacy has been kind enough to offer one lucky reader their VERY OWN SIGNED COPY of the new book! Keep reading for details on how to put your name in the ring for this very special giveaway.. 


I wanted to ask Stacy a few questions so we could get to know her better. I am a huge fan of James Lipton and Inside the Actors Studio, and so I decided to use the Proust Questionnaire. If you’re not familiar with it, James Lipton poses these questions to his guest at the end of each show. So fascinating. You can watch many of these interviews on YouTube. So check them out sometime. But not now! Now it’s time to see how Stacy answered the questions! 


1. What is your favorite word?

Discombobulation.  Because it’s fun to say(mr - Did you know there is a "recombobulation" area at the airport in Milwaukee?? I always thought they made that word up!)


2. What is your least favorite word?

b*tch. I can’t even type it!


3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

A good long walk (preferably in England, preferably with a pint waiting for me at the end of the path). A really wonderful book. Happening upon an idea that I know I want to write about.


4. What turns you off?

Deliberate rudeness. 


5. What is your favorite curse word?

Bloody. Because it doesn’t sound really bad, but it is.


6. What sound or noise do you love?

I love the sounds of so many words. Discombobulation. Nevertheless. Jellybean. Anything in Italian. Oh, and Ray Charles singing “Georgia on My Mind.”  (mr - me too, Stacy, me too.)


7. What sound or noise do you hate?

My dog has this explosive bark that comes out of nowhere.  I hate that, if I’m not ready for it. I jump out of my skin!


8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

I would love to be an archeologist, and travel all over and explore past civilizations.


9. What profession would you not like to do?

I could never be a teacher or a nurse. Two very important, very demanding professions that would send me off in tears after about five minutes.


10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

I hope He would say that He knows I did my best. And then I hope He lets me in!



Do you have any questions for Stacy? Leave them in the comments and I'm sure she'll be happy to answer them.



How lucky was I to have gotten the chance to photograph this lovely lady? Isn’t she gorgeous? 


Stacy was kind enough to share an excerpt of One Witch at a Time with us. See if you can guess which iconic fairy tale it hints to? (or which iconic Broadway musical for all you theatre nerds). 


An excerpt from One Witch at a Time


“Rudi!” Susanna cried, bouncing up to him. “I have something to tell you!”


He noticed that her basket was empty. “You sold your eggs?”


“No, I dropped them. But something else! I sold your cow for you, and now you’ll never be hungry again!” She held out her hand, and Rudi saw that she was holding exactly what the foreign girl had offered him only a few minutes before.


Rudi felt the blood drain from his face. “You sold one of our cows for that?”


She nodded, looking very pleased. “I told her she could come to your farm this very day. Isn’t that wonderful?”


“No! It’s not! Our cows are not yours to sell! How could you be so stupid? How could you trade an entire cow for that?” Rudi jabbed a finger at her open hand. “For a . . . a handful of beans?”


Susanna’s smile faded. She regarded the pile of dried beans in her hand. Then she lifted her chin in indignation. “Rudi. I am not stupid. I would not trade a beautiful cow for a bunch of plain old beans. But these are not plain old beans. These . . .” She held them up to his nose. “These are magic beans.”


And now for the part you’ve all been waiting for. How can YOU get your hands on a SIGNED copy of this delightful new book? Enter below! [Contest ends at midnight ET on 2/13. Winner will be announced on Monday 2/16.]

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you SO MUCH for stopping by today, Stacy! wish you so much success with One Witch at a Time.

I hope you will let us know what is next for you and that you'll stop by again so we can continue cheering you on!

The rest of you? Head on over to Amazon and order your copy. You know you want to, right?





One Witch at a Time is appropriate for ages 8-112

You can follow Stacy at: www.stacydekeyser.com

or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/StacyWrites

or on Twitter at www.twitter.com/stacydekeyser


Ready to book your Photo Session? 


Contact me here for more information or to secure a date.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters!


[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Authentic Sarasota Family Photography Authentic Sarasota Portrait Photography Authentic Sarasota Senior Photography Joyful Sarasota Family Photography Joyful Sarasota Portrait Photography Joyful Sarasota Senior Photography One Witch at a time Ristaino Photography Sarasota Family Photographer Sarasota Family Photography Sarasota Portrait Photography Sarasota Senior Photography Stacy DeKeyser Whimsical Sarasota Family Photography Whimsical Sarasota Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/2/author-visit-stacy-dekeyser-sarasota-portrait-photography Tue, 10 Feb 2015 05:00:00 GMT
Persistence | Project 365 - Days 23-38 | Sarasota Senior Photographer https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/2/persistence-project-365---days-23-38-sarasota-senior-photographer A little more persistence, a little more effort,

and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.

                                      ~Elbert Hubbard



Project 365, Day 39. Only 326 days to go. Wait, what? OK I admit, this is so much harder than I thought it would be! Today’s prompt is “Chaos,” and while I haven’t yet taken today’s photo, I’m already wondering how I can capture my whole life in one little Instagram square. Check back later to see how I did today. 


As you may remember, I am following along with the beth-a-dilly challenge and posting my images each day to Instagram. (Search #thebethadillychallenge to see photos from everyone participating. Lots of amazing stuff!)  Beth offers daily prompt and I’ve been following them pretty closely. Her photos are very inspiring and it’s been pretty cool to be a part of this challenge. I admit, I’ve lasted longer than I gave myself credit for. Thanks for taking this journey with me!


Are we Instagram buddies?  We should be! C'mon over and visit me there and see how long I last with my 365 Project!  You can find me HERE!


Let me know if YOU are doing a Project 365 or Project 52 this year. I'd love to follow your journey!


And here we go! Project 365 - 2015 - Days 23-38.  Enjoy! 


023 | 365 - Frames

Funky reading glasses in a cute Sarasota Bookshop.



024 | 365 - Selfie

A happy mistake.



025 | 365 - Sweet Tooth

Mustache Cookie Cutter (!)



026 | 365 - What Inspires Me

My family...of course.



027 | 365 - Workspace

My happy little space.



028 | 365 - The {Number} 8 - Infinity



029 | 365 - Keepsake

Precious little May Angel 



030 | 365 - Something I made...

is lifelong friendships with these beautiful ladies



031 | 365 - Saturday Morning

Must include coffee, no?



032 | 365 - On My Table

The perfect little bowl of blueberries.



033 | 365 - Comfy

Is a cuppa tea and a cinnamon scone.



034 | 365 - Starts with P

My precious little puppy that belonged to my Grandmother



35 | 365 - Pink

A simple pink hibiscus



036 | 365 - Old School

Cool old camera.



037 | 365 - Walk

Happy little plovers walking the beach at sunset.



038 | 365 - Accessory

Pretty little bowls I spied at the Greek Fest.



Thank you so much for visiting. Let me know in the comments which picture is your favorite! 


Please stop back on Tuesday…I will be featuring a very special guest and I’m SO excited to share her with you!!!





Ready to book your Senior Photo Session? 

Contact me here for more information or to secure a date.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters!




[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Authentic Sarasota Family Photography Authentic Sarasota Portrait Photography Beth-a-dilly Joyful Sarasota Family Photography Joyful Sarasota Portrait Photography My365 Project 365 Sarasota Family Photographer Sarasota Family Photography Sarasota Photographer Sarasota Photography Sarasota Portrait Photographer Sarasota Senior Photographer Sarasota Senior Photography Whimsical Sarasota Family Photography Whimsical Sarasota Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/2/persistence-project-365---days-23-38-sarasota-senior-photographer Sun, 08 Feb 2015 15:11:09 GMT
Gerad | Bayfront Park | Sarasota Senior Photogrpher https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/1/gerad-bayfront-park-sarasota-senior-photogrpher "Now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. 

Break rules. 

Leave the world more interesting for your being here. 

Make good art." 

~ Neil Gaiman


Gerad, G-man, G-daddy. This is a kid who has already made the world a far more interesting place for having been here. Whether it’s water skiing with the Sarasota Skiarees, wresting for Sarasota High School, or keeping his mom and dad laughing (and also keeping them on their toes!) Gerad is destined for great things. 


I love this quote by Neil Gaiman. Mistakes are wonderful things. They teach us such important lessons and oh how we grow from them. I can’t wait to follow Gerad’s journey. He is so full of life and passion and his impact on this world is bound to be spectacular. 


I had a great time on a recent Sunday hanging out with Gerad to create his Senior Portraits. We started out at Sarasota’s Historic Burns Square and then made our way to the water’s edge at Bayfront Park. How could we not take pictures by the water for this born and bred Florida native?


What do you think, does the G stand for GQ? 


Authentic senior photos of young man in blue shirt in Sarasota FLAuthentic Sarasota Senior PhotographySenior photo session with the incomparable Gerad. A Florida boy through and through, our session was all about Sarasota and the water.


Authentic senior photos of young man in blue shirt in Sarasota FLAuthentic Sarasota Senior PhotographySenior photo session with the incomparable Gerad. A Florida boy through and through, our session was all about Sarasota and the water.

Authentic senior photos of young man in blue shirt in Sarasota FLAuthentic Sarasota Senior PhotographySenior photo session with the incomparable Gerad. A Florida boy through and through, our session was all about Sarasota and the water.

Authentic senior photos of young man in blue shirt in Sarasota FLAuthentic Sarasota Senior PhotographySenior photo session with the incomparable Gerad. A Florida boy through and through, our session was all about Sarasota and the water.

Authentic senior photos of young man in blue shirt in Sarasota FLAuthentic Sarasota Senior PhotographySenior photo session with the incomparable Gerad. A Florida boy through and through, our session was all about Sarasota and the water.

Knock ‘em dead G! I have no doubt that you will. 






Ready to book your Senior Photo Session? 

Contact me here for more information or to secure a date.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters!




Click It Up A Notch



posted by Michaela Ristaino

[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Authentic Sarasota Portrait Photography Joyful Sarasota Senior Photography Ristaino Photography Sarasota Bayfront Sarasota Marina Jack Sarasota Portrait Photography Sarasota Senior Photographer Sarasota Senior photography Whimsical Sarasota Senior Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/1/gerad-bayfront-park-sarasota-senior-photogrpher Sun, 25 Jan 2015 15:09:21 GMT
Good thing going | Project 365 - Days 11-22 | Sarasota Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/1/good-thing-going-project-365---days-11-22-sarasota-portrait-photography “If you are a dreamer come in

If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar

A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer

If you’re a pretender com sit by my fire

For we have some flax golden tales to spin

Come in! 

  Come in!”


                                            ~ Shel Silverstein



Well, look who’s lasted a whole 22 days with this 365 project thing! THIS GIRL! woot. You may remember from this post, that I decided to jump headfirst into a 365 Projects on January 1st.  That was the day that I committed to taking and posting at least one photo per day for an entire year.  So far, so good. But 22 days does not a year make.


So, place your bets, come back often to check and see how I’m doing.


I am following along with the beth-a-dilly challenge and posting my images each day to Instagram.  The daily prompts Beth offers have added to the challenge and it’s been really interesting to search the project hashtag #thebethadillychallenge to see how so many others, hundreds of others in fact, interpret the same word. I’m secretly wondering if those “hundreds” will eventually peter out leaving only a few soldiers standing? Only time will tell!


Are we Instagram buddies?  We should be! C'mon over and visit me there and see how long I last with my 365 Project!  You can find me HERE!


Let me know if YOU are doing a Project 365 or Project 52 this year. I'd love to follow your journey!


And here we go! Project 365 - 2015 - Days 11-22.  Enjoy!


011|365 - My Favorite Thing

2 of my favorite things, actually. My Infinity bracelet from Captain Tony and my Grandparent's old steamer trunk.



012|365 - J - Just me



013|365 - Three



014|365 - Kindness



015|365 - To Do



016|365 - Shoes



017|365 - Leading Lines



018|365 - Relax

Just Chillin'



019|365 - In My Cup



020|365 - Light

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. 

Hate cannot drive out hate; only LOVE can do that." - MLK Jr.



021|365 - Looking Down



022|365 - Weather



Thanks for reading, friends!




I would love to capture YOUR family's love and laughter. 

Contact me here for more information or to book your session.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters!



Click It Up A Notch



[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Authentic Sarasota Family Photography Authentic Sarasota Portrait Photography Beth-a-dilly Joyful Sarasota Family Photography Joyful Sarasota Portrait Photography My365 Project 365 Sarasota Photographer Sarasota Photography Whimsical Sarasota Family Photography Whimsical Sarasota Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/1/good-thing-going-project-365---days-11-22-sarasota-portrait-photography Fri, 23 Jan 2015 16:24:24 GMT
Creating Memories | Sarasota Family and Portrait Photographer https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/1/creating-memories-sarasota-family-and-portrait-photographer “You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” 

― Ansel Adams

As a child, one of my favorite things was to sit for HOURS looking through old family photo albums. Lying on the living room floor with my feet kicked up behind me, I would stare at my parent's Wedding album - the large 8x10 black and white images that looked so exotic and different from the small snapshots and Polaroids I was used to.  

Mom & Dad - Wedding Day 1957So BEAUTIFUL!

My mother looked like a princess and my father looked so handsome...and so young.  


But even more exotic were the pictures from my mother and father's childhoods.  Black and white images printed on linen that had been painstakingly "colored" by hand with soft watercolor beauty.  Pictures of my grandmother as a teenager...my great grandparents on their farm in rural Wisconsin looking just like "American Gothic"....family pictures of my own parents with my older sisters, years before I was born.  I devoured them all...again and again.  

Oh, to get a glimpse into that world...a world I could only ever know through pictures and stories.

Life on a farm in Northern Wisconsin.  Old Family Photos. My Great-Granparents.......life on a farm in Northern Wisconsin


Farm life in Phillips, WI circa 1950Life on the Farm......Uncles & Aunts & Cousins, oh my!

Old family photos circa 1930'sMy Grandparents <3Paul & Kathryn Kozak ~ 1930's

My Mother.......beautiful then, beautiful now.

I love looking at them as much now as ever.  


And of course, pictures of myself as a baby, and finally a family complete when my younger sister (literally) joined the picture.  I was a child of the 70s, and my father was the photographer of the family.  He could always be seen with either his trusty Polaroid camera (Oh, how I begged to hold each and every picture, watching as its magic brought each image to life!) or with his Nikon film camera, which always held slide film.  My ideal family evening was gathering with my mom, dad and sisters around a pizza and the slide projector.  I didn't care how many times I had seen those pictures, I wanted to see them again and again.  


In this age of digital everything, why not take a trip back to a simpler time and create a memory, rather than just a collection of bits and bytes?  Imagine the joy of holding that album in your hands, looking through it with your loved ones, and knowing that it will be passed down and shared for generations to come.  

Are you ready to create YOUR special memories?  

I'm ready when you are. 

Drop me a note here to ask any questions you might have and to check availability. I can't wait to work with you.


What is your favorite photograph memory? Tell me about it! 









Click here now to sign up for our newsletter.


Authentic, Joyful, and Whimsical Sarasota Family Photography by Ristaino Photography

[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Authentic Sarasota Family Photography Authentic Sarasota Portrait Photography Authentic Sarasota Senior Photography Joyful Sarasota Family Photography Joyful Sarasota Portrait Photography Joyful Sarasota Senior Photography Ristaino Photography Sarasota Family Photographer Sarasota Family Photography Sarasota Portrait Photography Sarasota Senior Photography Whimsical Sarasota Family Photography Whimsical Sarasota Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/1/creating-memories-sarasota-family-and-portrait-photographer Fri, 16 Jan 2015 15:36:47 GMT
Welcome 2015 | New Beginnings - Project 365 | Sarasota Family Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/1/welcome-2015-new-beginnings---project-365-sarasota-family-photography

WELCOME 2015!  Another new year, full of hope and possibility. So many changes happened at the end of 2014!  Captain Tony and I moved across the country from the amazing San Francisco Bay Area to Sarasota, FL.  We are still getting settled in our new home and are so looking forward to all the visits from family and friends "up north" who are looking to escape the dreaded Polar Vortex that is WINTER in the midwest and east coast.

So, what's new for me in 2015? I decided to jump on board one of the many 365 Projects that pop up at this time of year.  Now, you certainly can start a 365 project any time, but January 1st is pretty classic.  If you're not familiar with this project, it's essentially taking and posting at least one photo per day for an entire year.  Since I can be known for diving head first into something and then slowly losing my mojo, I am interested to see how long I will last. ha. I'm am following along with the beth-a-dilly challenge and posting my images each day to Instagram (and in turn, Facebook).  Beth offers daily prompts, which not only adds to the challenge, but also provides a little push and help each day. It's fun to check in on Instagram and then see how hundreds of others have interpreted the same word.  Are we Instagram buddies?  We should be! C'mon over and visit me there and see how long I last with my 365 Project!  You can find me HERE!


Let me know if YOU are doing a Project 365 or Project 52 this year. I'd love to follow your journey!

Without further adieu, I present to you the first ten days of Project 365 - 2015.  Enjoy!


001/365 : RESOLUTION



002/365 : NEW


003/365 :  MY OUTFIT TODAY


004/365 :  RED


005/365 :  BREAKFAST


006/365 :  CALM


007/365 :  PERSPECTIVE


008/365 :  SIMPLE


009/365 :  CIRCLE


010/365 :  WARM


To the New Year


With what stillness at last
you appear in the valley
your first sunlight reaching down
to touch the tips of a few
high leaves that do not stir
as though they had not noticed
and did not know you at all
then the voice of a dove calls
from far away in itself
to the hush of the morning
so this is the sound of you
here and now whether or not
anyone hears it this is
where we have come with our age
our knowledge such as it is
and our hopes such as they are
invisible before us
untouched and still possible


Cheers, friends! Wishing you all a beautiful, joyful, and successful 2015!




I would love to capture YOUR family's love and laughter. 

Contact me here for more information or to book your session.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters!



Click It Up A Notch






[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Authentic Sarasota Family Photography Authentic Sarasota Portrait Photography Beth-a-dilly Joyful Sarasota Family Photography Joyful Sarasota Portrait Photography My365 Project 365 Sarasota Photographer Sarasota Photography Whimsical Sarasota Family Photography Whimsical Sarasota Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2015/1/welcome-2015-new-beginnings---project-365-sarasota-family-photography Sat, 10 Jan 2015 22:29:00 GMT
The Dorn Family | Old Borges Ranch | Walnut Creek Family Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/9/the-dorn-family-old-borges-ranch-walnut-creek-family-photography Last Sunday, I had the absolute pleasure of spending the afternoon with the beautiful Dorn Family at Old Borges Ranch in Walnut Creek.  I met Krissy just shy of 2 years ago when we both donned habits as nuns in the CCMT production of The Sound of Music. At the time Krissy had just moved to California from Cologne, Germany. I admired her so much for moving to a new country and having the courage to jump right into a new experience of auditioning for a show. She's pretty phenomenal. Her husband and daughter think so too, and I happen to think they are all something so special. Here are a few images of my time with Krissy, Ingmar, and Hannah - the Dorn family. 

Family...Where life begins, and LOVE never ends.

Family photos in the mountain foothills in Walnut Creek CaliforniaJoyful and Authentic Walnut Creek Family PhotographyThe beautiful Dorn family in the foothills of Mount Diablo at Old Borges Ranch in Walnut Creek CA. Ristaino Photography - Walnut Creek Family Photographer Family photos in the mountain foothills in Walnut Creek CaliforniaJoyful and Authentic Walnut Creek Family PhotographyThe beautiful Dorn family in the foothills of Mount Diablo at Old Borges Ranch in Walnut Creek CA. Ristaino Photography - Walnut Creek Family Photographer


















The lovely Hannah truly fascinated me.  She moved here 2 years ago knowing almost no English, went to school and had to navigate learning a new language, meeting new friends, living in a new country and she did it all beautifully.  Now she is a typical American teenager chattering away and thriving in her new home.  What a remarkable young lady she is.  It's easy to see why Ingmar and Krissy are so proud of her!

Family photos in the mountain foothills in Walnut Creek CaliforniaJoyful and Authentic Walnut Creek Family PhotographyThe beautiful Dorn family in the foothills of Mount Diablo at Old Borges Ranch in Walnut Creek CA. Ristaino Photography - Walnut Creek Family Photographer

Family photos in the mountain foothills in Walnut Creek CaliforniaJoyful and Authentic Walnut Creek Family PhotographyThe beautiful Dorn family in the foothills of Mount Diablo at Old Borges Ranch in Walnut Creek CA. Ristaino Photography - Walnut Creek Family Photographer Family photos in the mountain foothills in Walnut Creek CaliforniaJoyful and Authentic Walnut Creek Family PhotographyThe beautiful Dorn family in the foothills of Mount Diablo at Old Borges Ranch in Walnut Creek CA. Ristaino Photography - Walnut Creek Family Photographer Family photos in the mountain foothills in Walnut Creek CaliforniaJoyful and Authentic Walnut Creek Family PhotographyThe beautiful Dorn family in the foothills of Mount Diablo at Old Borges Ranch in Walnut Creek CA. Ristaino Photography - Walnut Creek Family Photographer


Every once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life...

LOVE gives us a fairy tale

Thank you so much for spending the afternoon with me, Krissy, Ingmar, and Hannah!  I hope you had as much fun as I did!





I would love to capture YOUR family's love and laughter. 

Contact me here for more information or to book your session.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters! 
























[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Ristaino Photography Walnut Creek Family Photographer Walnut Creek portrait photographer walnut creek photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/9/the-dorn-family-old-borges-ranch-walnut-creek-family-photography Sat, 27 Sep 2014 17:52:23 GMT
Laura | Tosa Village | Milwaukee Headshot Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/7/laura-tosa-village-milwaukee-headshot-photography 20 years ago this summer, I walked into the auditorium at West Allis Central High School in Milwaukee WI to audition for the role of Maria in the iconic American musical West Side Story. I was a bright-eyed 23 year-old. A recent college grad with a voice performance degree ready to take the performance world by storm.  I was working at a grocery store.  It's the stuff of dreams. No really, it is.

Anyway... I walked into the auditorium, and as one does, I began to size up my competition.  And there she was. This tall gorgeous glass of water singing the absolute crap out of some song.  I felt a wave of nausea and immediately thought, "Oh sh*t, I'm doomed".  Lucky for me, she was singing "A Boy Like That".  Even luckier for me, that girl soon became the Anita to my Maria and we've been best friends ever since. 

I’ve heard it said
That people come into our lives
For a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led to those
Who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
But I don’t know if I believe that’s true
But I know I’m who I am today
Because I knew you


The last 20 years have brought marriages and babies and cross country moves.  Laura was the first person to talk to my now husband when he first called our shared apartment to ask me on a date.  She gave him the 3rd degree before she decided whether or not he was good enough for me.  (Lucky for me, she thought he was!)  I was the last person to talk to her now husband before he asked her to marry him. (Lucky for her, I gave him my blessing.)  We've shared more than I could ever begin to recall, and I am blessed to call this gorgeous lady my friend...my sister.  I love her to the moon and back. 

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a Sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better?
Because I knew you
I have been changed for good


It well may be
That we may never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learn from you
You’ll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have rewritten mine
By being my friend


I was honored and thrilled when Laura asked me to help her whip up some new headshots.  After a bit of a hiatus, this amazing talent is back tearing up Milwaukee area stages with her powerful voice, heart-wrenching acting, and all around brilliant stage presence.  I may be biased, but I fervently believe that Milwaukee audiences are darn lucky she's back.  

We spent a Sunday morning together during my last visit to Milwaukee.  We found some great spots in the Tosa Village for pictures and then enjoyed an amazing brunch at one of the new kids in town, Cafe Bavaria. It was delish. You should totally go.

Take a peek at some of the gorgeous shots we got of this gal. 


Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind of the sea
Like a seed dropped by a sky bird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better?
Because I knew you
Because I knew you
I have been changed for good

And just to clear the air
I ask forgiveness
For the things I’ve done you’ve blamed me for
But then, I guess
We know there’s blame to share
And none of it seems to matter anymore









Like a comet pulled from orbit

As it passes a Sun

Like a stream that meets a boulder 

Halfway through the wood 


We got to share the stage once again this past February with the reunion of our vocal jazz group BoyGirlBoyGirl.  And we got to sing "For Good" from the musical Wicked.  No words sung could be more true...Because I knew you, I have been changed for good. 

Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a bird In the wood
Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better?
 I do believe I have been changed for the better
Because I knew you
Because I knew you
Because I knew you
I have been changed
For good

I love you, friend. Thank you for making my life a more beautiful place.





I would love to capture YOUR family's love and laughter. 

Contact me here for more information or to book your session.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters! 

[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Joyful Milwaukee Headshot photography Milwaukee Headshot Photography Milwaukee Portrait photography Ristaino Photography Whimsical Milwaukee Headshot Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/7/laura-tosa-village-milwaukee-headshot-photography Mon, 14 Jul 2014 01:34:07 GMT
Ballet Part 1 | The Ballet School | Walnut Creek Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/6/ballet-part-1-the-ballet-school-walnut-creek-portrait-photography “Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” 
― Shel Silverstein

Something very special happened on Sunday May 4th.  I got to meet a whole bunch of special little people. These little people with pink tights and tutus and leotards and ballet shoes.  And smiles. Silly smiles, shy smiles, gorgeous smiles, unique smiles. Smiles a plenty! Did you know that 9 out of 10 ballerinas said that FROZEN was their favorite movie?  What? You're not surprised? Neither was I. Ha!

These smiles inspired me. I loved my time with each and every one of them.  Can't you see why?


























“And all the colors I am inside have not been invented yet.” 

― Shel SilversteinWhere the Sidewalk Ends

Stay tuned for PART II - The June Demonstration! 






I would love to capture YOUR family's love and laughter. 

Contact me here for more information or to book your session.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters! 

[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Ballet Photos Ballet Portraits Walnut Creek Authentic Ballet Portraits Walnut Creek Joyful Portraits Walnut Creek Whimsical Portraits Walnut Creek portrait photographer east bay child photographer https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/6/ballet-part-1-the-ballet-school-walnut-creek-portrait-photography Sat, 21 Jun 2014 00:27:03 GMT
Kate G | Old Borges Ranch | Walnut Creek Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/4/kate-g-old-borges-ranch-walnut-creek-portrait-photography  

“You're off to Great Places!

Today is your day!

Your mountain is waiting,

So... get on your way!” 
                                                                                         ― Dr. SeussOh, The Places You'll Go!

Authentic portrait of young woman in white dress near fence. Authentic Walnut Creek Portrait Photography

I was so thrilled to have a play date with Kate at Old Borges Ranch in Walnut Creek. 

It's become my new favorite place and I love any opportunity to share it with new people!  Kate is a dynamic young woman who is soon to graduate from the University of Oregon.




It was a beautiful, but WINDY day! Kate was a great sport and we got some stunning pictures.  

Beautiful girl + beautiful scenery = Beautiful pictures. duh. 

Don't believe me?   See for yourself...


Whimsical portrait of a young woman on a dirt trail in Walnut CreekWhimsical Portrait Photography Walnut Creek

Portrait of a joyful young woman on a mountain path in Walnut CreekJoyful Senior Photography Walnut Creek


















“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact.

And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act.

And will you succeed? Yes!

You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed)

Kid, you'll move mountains.” 

― Dr. SeussOh, The Places You'll Go!


Joyful portrait of a young lady next to a barn in Walnut CreekWalnut Creek Joyful Senior Portrait Photography Authentic portrait of a young woman in front of a barn in Walnut CreekWalnut Creek Authentic Senior Portrait Photography

Couldn't you just die at that wild mustard?!  

That vibrant yellow is so beautiful and made the perfect backdrop for Kate!

Whimsical portrait of young woman in white sweater and blue jeans in front of wild mustard patch in Walnut CreekWalnut Creek Whimsical Portrait Photography

Joyful picture of young woman in Walnut CreekWalnut Creek Joyful Senior Pictures

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself any direction you choose.

You're on your own. And you know what you know.

And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” 
― Dr. SeussOh, The Places You'll Go!

Authentic Portrait of a young woman looking over her shoulder at a farm in Walnut CreekWalnut Creek Portrait Photography

Kate - I thank you so much for spending the afternoon with me!  

I just know you will go wherever your heart leads you, and I wish you the very best of luck as you begin this new journey! 

“Oh the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all.” 

― Dr. SeussOh, The Places You’ll Go!






I would love to capture YOUR family's love and laughter. 

Contact me here for more information or to book your session.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters! 



[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Joyful Walnut Creek Headshot Photography Ristaino Photography Walnut Creek portrait photographer Walnut creek portrait photography walnut creek photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/4/kate-g-old-borges-ranch-walnut-creek-portrait-photography Fri, 18 Apr 2014 00:23:02 GMT
The Ballet School | Walnut Creek Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/4/the-ballet-school-walnut-creek-portrait-photography LIVE. JOY. CREATE. HOPE. 

The Ballet School Performing Arts in Walnut Creek embodies these words.  If ever there was a place that is alive with the legacy of its founder, this is it.   Lareen Fender founded the school in 1976 and created a place where artists could foster their passion for dance and theatre.  Today the school is run by Lareen's granddaughter Jennifer Perry who is beautifully carrying out her Grandmother's legacy.  The Ballet School is a joyful, nurturing place and I am thrilled that I had the opportunity to spend a recent Thursday morning with Jenny & her amazing faculty.  It's easy to see that each and every one of these dynamic individuals join together to LIVE - JOY - CREATE - HOPE. 


“The songs of our ancestors are also the songs of our children” 

                                                                      ― Philip Carr-Gomm


The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography

The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography


“Everyone must leave something behind. . . Something your hand touched some way so your soul has somewhere to go . . . It doesn't matter what you do, so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something that's like you after you take your hands away.” 

                                                                                                       ― Ray Bradbury


I had so much fun photographing this beautiful bunch.  Seriously, the fact that they are all GORGEOUS made my job SO easy!


The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography

Kelley Denison


The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography Rachel Powers


The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography Nicole Helfer


The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography Kerri Shawn


The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography Hailey Cowden


The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography Vince Perry


The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography Karina Bautista


The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography Ariel Brewer


The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography Carissa Merrill


The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography

Amanda Denison



"At The Ballet School Performing Arts, we celebrate the gift of everyday. We stay positive in our teaching and still teach excellent body alignment and technique, and discipline within both. It is my continued goal as director and owner of the school to continue to inspire and teach excellence in the classroom, as well as create a safe environment to grow and learn. It is very important to me to have an excellent teaching staff in the classroom who are wonderful role models for the students to look up to. The Ballet School Performing Arts is a very special place in so many ways.

It’s our HOME away from HOME."

                                                                                                    ― Jennifer Perry

Joyful Portrait of woman by brick wall in Walnut CreekJennifer Perry, Owner The Ballet School, Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyJennifer Perry is the owner of Lareen Fender's The Ballet School in Walnut Creek. Photograph by Ristaino Photography

Jennifer Perry

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.” 

                                          ― A.A. MilneWinnie the Pooh


The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography Beautiful sisters Amanda, Jenny, and Kelley

The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot PhotographyThe Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot Photography

Thank you, Jenny and all the fabulous faculty for welcoming me with warmth and joy.  I can't wait to come back on May 4th when we will be holding a special Photo Day for the students of Lareen Fender's The Ballet School. 





I would love to capture YOUR family's love and laughter. 

Contact me here for more information or to book your session.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters! <3

[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Authentic Walnut Creek Headshot Photography Joyful Walnut Creek Headshot Photography Lareen Fender's The Ballet School Ristaino Photography The Ballet School Walnut Creek Headshot photographer Walnut creek Headshot photography Whimsical Walnut Creek Headshot Photography walnut creek photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/4/the-ballet-school-walnut-creek-portrait-photography Mon, 07 Apr 2014 15:35:57 GMT
Todd & Melinda | Alameda Shipyard | East Bay Couples Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/3/todd-and-melinda-alameda-shipyard-east-bay-couples-photography Sometimes you meet a couple whose love for each other is palpable.

And you think....

"New love is SO thrilling!"

Authentic couple in front of yellow door huggingEast Bay Authentic Couples photography

And then you find out they've been married for 18 years.  EIGHTEEN!

And still so clearly, so visibly in love.

That, friends, is true love. Pretty cool, huh?

Woman in striped shirt joyfully hugs husband Joyful East Bay Engagement Photography

I met Melinda and Todd on a sunny Saturday morning near the abandoned Navy base in Alameda.

The distressed buildings and old airplane hangars made the coolest backdrop.  This location is near the now defunct Alameda Naval Station where they film many of the Mythbusters stunts. (Perhaps I'll leave out the part where were got chased off by a rent-a-cop.  Apparently, Mythbusters doing crazy stunts with fire and rockets and cannons is JUST FINE, but Photographers and people in love are VERY SCARY).  But, I digress.

How about I let YOU decide?  

Couple laughs in front of large wall in the East Bay.Joyful East Bay Couples Photography Women in striped shirt kisses her husband in front of giant door in the East Bay.Whimsical East Bay Engagement Photography Authentic man & woman hold hands and smile at each other in East Bay. Authentic East Bay Couples Photography  

Joyful man & woman smile on steps in East Bay.Joyful East Bay Engagement Photography
"There never was any heart truly great and generous, that was not also tender and compassionate."
                                                                           ~ Robert Frost

I adore capturing those most tender moments as if I wasn't even there. It makes my heart sing. 

Authentic tender moment shared between man and woman in East Bay.Authentic East Bay Engagement Photography

Joyful man shares secret with woman on steps in East BayJoyful East Bay Couples Photography

Authentic man and woman kiss behind fence in East BayAuthentic East Bay Engagement Photography

Joyful woman laughs with man behind fence in East BayJoyful East Bay Engagement Photography

Whimsical tender moment between man and woman in East BayWhimsical East Bay Engagement Photography


And finally...my favorite images from this session.

They almost need doors that big in their house to let their love through. 


Couple kisses in front of giant doors in East Bay.Joyful East Bay Couples Photography    Couple holds hands in front of giant doors in East BayAuthentic East Bay Engagement Photography

“As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.” 

                                                                                                                   ~ A.A. MilneWinnie-the-Pooh


Thanks for sharing your morning with me, Todd & Mel! I know your home is so filled with love and so ready for your next adventure.




I would love to capture YOUR family's love and laughter. 

Contact me here for more information or to book your session.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters! 


[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) East Bay Couples Photographer East Bay Couples Photography East Bay Engagement Photographer East Bay Engagement Photography East Bay Photographer East Bay Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/3/todd-and-melinda-alameda-shipyard-east-bay-couples-photography Wed, 12 Mar 2014 23:48:06 GMT
The P Family | Old Borges Ranch | Walnut Creek Family Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/3/the-p-family-old-borges-ranch-walnut-creek-family-photography Sometimes words escape us when there is no truly accurate way to describe indescribable beauty.  This is true for me after meeting with the delightfully joyful Powers' family at Old Borges Ranch in Walnut Creek this week.  We had been trying to fit in family photo session for this dynamic family for quite some time, and it's now clear that it happened in exactly the right space and time. It was a picture perfect day. Literally.  The desperately needed rains finally brought the brown California hills to life and the sky was strutting off its magical blue like a proud peacock. I met Rachel, Adam and their daughter Lucy on Monday afternoon and so enjoyed our time together.

"I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes."

                                                                   ~ e. e. cummings


Joyful Family Photography Walnut CreekJoyful Family Photography Walnut Creek


Authentic Family Portrait Walnut Creek PhotographyAuthentic Family Portrait Walnut Creek Photography


Did I mention the FUN we had??


Whimsical Family Portrait Walnut Creek PhotographyWhimsical Family Portrait Walnut Creek Photography


How about this beauty Lucy?   


Joyful Child Portraits East BayJoyful Child Portraits East Bay


She is SO CLEARLY her Mother's daughter....


Authentic Family Portrait Walnut Creek PhotographyAuthentic Family Portrait Walnut Creek Photography


But also the sweet apple of her Daddy's eye...


Authentic Family Portrait Walnut Creek PhotographyAuthentic Family Portrait Walnut Creek Photography


"For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver."

                                                                                            ~ Martin Luther

The day was delightful and full of joy. Old Borges Ranch is a place to easily spend hours upon hours exploring. I can't wait to go back...and I'm so glad that I got to spend this time exploring with Adam, Rachel & Lucy.  


Joyful Family Portrait Walnut Creek PhotographerJoyful Family Portrait Walnut Creek Photographer Joyful Child Portrait Walnut Creek PhotographerJoyful Child Portrait Walnut Creek Photographer Authentic Portrait Walnut Creek PhotographerAuthentic Portrait Walnut Creek Photographer

Authentic Child Portrait Walnut Creek PhotographyAuthentic Child Portrait Walnut Creek Photography

Authentic Portrait Walnut Creek PhotographyAuthentic Portrait Walnut Creek Photography

Authentic Engagement Portrait Walnut Creek PhotographyAuthentic Engagement Portrait Walnut Creek Photography

Authentic Family Portrait Walnut Creek PhotographyAuthentic Family Portrait Walnut Creek Photography

"The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet."

                                                                                                                       ~ Thomas Merton

Whimsical Family Portrait Walnut Creek PhotographyWhimsical Family Portrait Walnut Creek Photography

Thank you so much Adam, Rachel & Lucy for spending a lovely afternoon with me! I can't wait to do it again!





I would love to capture YOUR family's love and laughter. 

Contact me here for more information or to book your session.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters! 



[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Old Borges Ranch Walnut Creek Family Photographer alamo family photography alamo family portraits danville family portraits east bay child photographer walnut creek family photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/3/the-p-family-old-borges-ranch-walnut-creek-family-photography Sat, 01 Mar 2014 19:50:39 GMT
The D Family | Hap Magee Park | Alamo Family Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/2/the-d-family  


There's nothing better or more important.

"Family is where life begins & love never ends."

                                                            ~ Unkown

I met the lovely Blakelock-DeAngelo family at Hap Magee Park in Alamo recently. It was a gorgeous sunny day with clear blue skies.  Colleen and Adrienne met me at the park with their exuberant, funny, witty and smart son Enzo. I'm pretty sure Enzo will grow up to be on Broadway or in the White House.  This kid's got moxie! Can't you just SEE it in his face?  And those beautiful blue eyes. Swoon!

Did I say swoon? Soon Enzo was using the park gazebo as his stage and reciting part of a speech he had done at school earlier that week.  I can't recall the speech exactly, but the message was clear...

We are all different and wonderful and amazing and there is place in this world for all of us.  

Pretty cool, huh?  The delivery was spot on, too. 

Adrienne arranged this session as a special surprise for her parents. Pretty soon Enzo's Nonni & Poppi joined us, and the special bond between grandson and his grandparents was so sweet and so clear.


"LOVE is the greatest gift that one generation can leave another."

                                                   ~ Richard Garnett


Can't you feel the love? See the pride?  Me too. And it makes my heart happy. 

And of course we had to get the whole family together! 


“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” 

                                                                                                                                                 ~ Charles Dickens

I must say, I agree whole heartedly with Mr Dickens.

It was a beautiful day, with a beautiful family.  Laughter danced in the air as silly jokes were told. 


"Why did the Koala get the job?

                       ...because he was the most koala-fied!

                                                                                     ~ Enzo


“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember.

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.” 

                                                                                                    ~ A.A. MilneWinnie-the-Pooh


Thank you Adrienne and Colleen for sharing your beautiful family with me!  I can't wait to do it again!




I would love to capture YOUR family's love and laughter. 

Contact me here for more information or to book your session.

  Click here to sign up for blog updates and newsletters! 


[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Hap magee park Walnut Creek Family Photographer Walnut Creek portrait photographer Walnut creek portrait photography alamo family photography alamo family portraits danville family photography danville family portraits east bay child photographer https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/2/the-d-family Sat, 08 Feb 2014 01:51:25 GMT
Marianne | Drawing Circle Studio | Walnut Creek Headshot Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/2/marianne Lines. So simple, yet so complex.

My latest session was with Artist Marianne McCraney. We met in her home studio in Walnut Creek.

A warm, intimate space where art is born. Soft lighting and soft water colors filled the studio.



Lines are the main element in Marianne's work.  Here's what she has to say about them: 

"Lines of thread, wire, graphite, and strokes of ink describe life in its myriad forms ­– the world of nature and ties of human relationships. My art explores the strength of all these connections but also their fragility and the struggles that occur when ties weaken or are severed through time, pain or loss."

Several of her pieces featured type set words stitched on fabric...words and phrases of text that she had pulled from old letters of her ancestors. I was immediately sucked in and drawn to these.  

I found them absolutely fascinating, especially considering my obsession with my own family history.  (You can read all about THAT over here!)

To think and ponder on who these people were, what their lives were like, what their dreams were, is so very interesting to me.


"As I trace over the hand-written words of deceased family members with paint or thread I find myself remembering the person in a kinesthetic sense as I mimic the loops and swashes that make their characteristic writing."                                                                         ~Marianne        


Do you have an inner artist that is crying to get out?

If so, you NEED to meet Marianne.  She is now accepting private art students. Contact her at [email protected] for more details and pop on over to her website to learn more. 


Just imagine the cool and beautiful things you can create in this space....

Thank you Marianne for allowing me to peek into your world for the afternoon!  I so enjoyed our time together and learning more about you and your art.  You are such an inspiration! 




Would you like me to capture your special moments? Contact me here for more information or to book your session.

I would love to keep you updated when a new Blog post is published.  Click here to sign up. 

[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Authentic Walnut Creek Photography Authentic Walnut creek Headshot photographer Joyful Walnut Creek Headshot Photography Marianne McCraney Ristaino Photography Walnut Creek Headshot Photographer Walnut Creek Headshot Photography Walnut Creek Headshot photography walnut creek photographer https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/2/marianne Sun, 02 Feb 2014 19:26:27 GMT
The M Family | Hap Magee Park | Walnut Creek Family Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/1/the-m-family A Blue Bird & A Red Bird. 

These were the stickers that Gracie put on my hand. I knew right then that we'd be forever friends.


Lucky for me, Grace's beautiful Mom & handsome Dad came along too...it was a beautiful day at Hap Magee Park.



Sweet Grace is 2 1/2 and oh my, how quickly the time goes. Last year we did a photo of this beautiful family walking across a bridge...Mom & Dad wanted to get the same shot this year.  




Last year: 

This year: 

What a difference a year makes...and how lucky am I to capture this family as they grow.  Lucky them. Lucky me.



Would you like me to capture your family's special moments? Contact me here for more information or to book your session.

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[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Ristaino Photography Walnut Creek Family Photographer Walnut Creek portrait photographer east bay child photographer hap magee park walnut creek photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/1/the-m-family Tue, 14 Jan 2014 04:17:00 GMT
Miss Emily | The Bridges of San Ramon | East Bay Child Portrait Photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/1/miss-emily Her future's so bright, she oughta wear shades. 


Meet Miss Emily.

This 9 year old delightful ball of spunk has been performing professionally since the age of 5.  I had the pleasure of sharing the stage with her last year in Contra Costa Musical Theatre's production of THE SOUND OF MUSIC.  You might have seen me....I was the 2nd nun from the left.  You DEFINITELY saw Emily...as the youngest of the Von Trapp children, she stole all our hearts as Gretl.  


I had the pleasure of photographing Emily this week.  It was hard to remember that she's only 9...a seasoned professional and a dream client for any photographer. 

I asked Emily if she always wanted to be a performer.  She said YES.  

She can't remember a time that she didn't love to sing.  

She shared with me the story about how at 4 1/2 she begged her mom to take a theatre class.  The class was only open to those 7 and older. Her Mom, the lovely Christine, plead with the instructors to allow Emily to participate in the class.  The troupe would be performing THE WIZARD OF OZ and Emily was thrilled she'd get to be a part of it. Christine told her daughter, "You're going to be such a cute little Munchkin!"  To which Emily said, "No Mom, I'm going to be DOROTHY!"  And just shy of her 5th birthday, this spunky little cutie belted out Over the Rainbow as Dorothy.  Christine told me there were about 10 little girls sharing the part, when Emily spoke up.  "But I was Dorothy ONE!"  After spending the afternoon with her, I wouldn't have expected anything less. 

You're number ONE in my book, Emily!


Emily will be appearing as Young Cosette (along with fellow cutie Ella Dunderdale) in Contra Costa Musical Theatre's production of Les Miserables this spring. Emily and Ella will share the roles of Young Cosette and Young Eponine.  Purchase tickets here: http://ccmt.org/les_miserables

Knock 'em dead, Em!!

p.s. Don't forget us little people once you make it big on Broadway! 



Would you like me to capture your family's special moments? Contact me here for more information or to book your session.

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[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Contra costa musical theatre Emily Joy Kessel Ristaino Photography The bridges golf club Walnut Creek Family Photographer Walnut Creek portrait photographer Walnut creek portrait photography ccmt east bay child photographer emily kessel les mis les miserables san ramon walnut creek family photography walnut creek photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2014/1/miss-emily Mon, 06 Jan 2014 15:19:48 GMT
Window Shopping | Broadway Plaza | Walnut Creek Portrait Photographer https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2013/12/window-shopping Christmas is TEN days away.  TEN! 

I wuv Christmas. 

The music, the lights, the small wooden Humpty Dumpty ornament my Mom and Sisters made for my first Christmas. 

But mostly, I love sharing the gift of time with the people who make my life so rich. My family and friends. 


So what better way to spend a beautiful Sunday afternoon than with a dear lifelong friend doing some Holiday Window Shopping? Chuti and I have been friends since high school where we were both music geeks. Our big Friday night excitement was hanging around the piano playing and singing any musical we could get our hands on.  We dreamed of being on Broadway.  Chuti made it to LA where she's a real live actress. (Look for her in the recent film, The Internship!) I made it to Walnut Creek, where I shop at Broadway Plaza.  That's close, right?

I insisted Chuti wear her "Olivia Pope" coat (as I called it the instant I picked her up from BART on Friday night).  It's possible I'm more than a little bit obsessed with SCANDAL.  (How will I possibly survive without it until February 27th?!)  But I digress.  The coat is fabulous, no? Don't even get me started on the girl!


From our small all-girl's high school in Milwaukee, to Hollywood and San Francisco, we've never stopped believing in our ability to dream. 




And if you're good, maybe Santa will get you something from Neiman Marcus!  


Or maybe you'll be lucky enough to have amazing girlfriends to go window shopping with.


Holiday Joy to you all, sweet friends. 



Would you like me to capture your family's special moments? Contact me here for more information or to book your session.

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[email protected] (Michaela Ristaino Photography) Broadway Plaza Chuti Tiu DSHA Downtown Walnut Creek Macy's Neiman Marcus Olivia Pope Ristaino Photography Scandal The Internship Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Family Photographer Walnut Creek portrait photographer Walnut creek portrait photography walnut creek family photography https://ristainophotography.zenfolio.com/blog/2013/12/window-shopping Mon, 16 Dec 2013 06:52:17 GMT